Bernadette Smail


Senior UX Architect / Certified Usability Researcher /
IBM Design Thinking Practitioner

Bernadette Smail is a Senior UX Architect & Certified Usability Researcher with 20 years of experience in Graphic Design and hands-on Frontend- and Backend-Development in Advertising Agencies and IT companies in Germany and Canada.
She joined IBM iX in early 2016 coming from Grip Limited.
As an effective self-starter with degrees in Graphic Design and Multimedia Design she has continually upgraded her training and has sought out new challenges over the decades, such as becoming a LAMP Developer and achieving the Usability Researcher Certification. She has extensive experience as part of a team and as a team leader, and also works very well with no supervision.





Phone: 647 529 1488

Address: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

UX Testing

Listerine Competitive Audit

Listerine usability compared to the competiton.

Listerine Test Results (PDF) | Test Script Worksheets (PDF)


Acura Sidepanel Concept

Concept to eliminate redundant button placements and to provide a more customized experience to the user. The interactive side panel is designed to host relevant shortcuts to Buyer- and Owner-functionality as well as page customization tools, regional features and offers based on postal code.

Desktop Prototype | Acura Sitemap (PDF) Dosage Calculator

Concept: Customization of the user experience to accomodate the users current need state.
Example Persona: Young mother of a sick infant visits the site to confirm the Tylenol dosage. The dosage calculator is served up and upon entering the required data, relevant products will be shown with the appropriate dosage. Relevant articles and Coupons will be served up.

Desktop Prototype | Annotations (PDF) | Userflows (PDF)